About Pier20.ai

Pier20.ai by Clay Research

Pier20.ai is an AI Agent built by the team at Clay Research, using their ground breaking agent building platform.
Our Principles

AI will help Sales teams

Revenue over team hierarchy

Modern growth teams are split into many specializations. They were necessary for scale - each team doing their work added up to the larger objective in service of a growth strategy.

Growth teams singular objective is to device strategies for the company's growth. But the modern teams end up putting teams and their jobs over the company's wellness.

Teams and divisions of responsibility is secondary with AI in the picture, and company's growth is the primary and sole focus. This will bring new growth avenues, new heights to scale, and prosperity in human enterprises.

High agency and Drive

High agency teams try everything - from the standard playbooks, to the crazy ideas they come up with in the shower.

Highly driven teams are relentless in their pursuit of the company's goals.

Teams that possess both these qualities are always on the highest echelons of the market, and they excel in what seems like effortless revenue generation for the company.

AI agents unlock intelligence and scale at the same time. This means, these high agency and high drive teams can now do all three in ways never seen before - create, iterate, execute - stratagems that elevate them to the position of Growth Gods.